So I have 3 more months of high school. I'm totally ready to leave. But now I have to think of where i'm going. I got into the three schools I applied to and i'd be a digital media/motion media/animation major at all three: Marist College, Emerson College and Drexel University.
Drexel being a university has a massive program with tons of software. Its also where Tom went way back in the day. Its mad expensive though, even after a scholarship. I'm from Philly and I don't mind it but part of me wants to get away.
Emerson is known for having really great tech but seems to be mostly a theater and film school. Plus they didn't give me any money. But Boston is pretty sweet.
Marist is cheap. In comparison. They have a deal with IBM so the the tech is good (i'm not a fan of IBM but hey beggars can't be choosers). They also are the only one of the three with cross country and track teams. Unfortunately its in Poughkeepsie, NY.
Does anybody know about these schools? Its really hard to find honest info if a place or a major sucks or not. This is a really big decision and I know i'm gonna balls it up...
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